The Sword of Damocles: Striking the Balance Between Objective and Relative Morality in AI

5 min readMay 8, 2023


We must learn to live with the sword above our heads, using our power wisely and responsibly.

Created in collaboration with Midjourney and ChapGPT

In the ancient tale of Damocles, a courtier is granted the opportunity to experience the luxuries and power of his king. However, Damocles soon discovers that a sword hangs above his head, suspended by a single horsehair, representing the constant danger and responsibility that comes with power. Today, the story serves as a powerful metaphor for the delicate balance we must maintain as we wield the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives.

Objective vs. Relative Morality:

The sword of Damocles hangs above AI systems as they grapple with the complex challenges of balancing objective and relative morality. Objective morality refers to universally applicable moral principles, while relative morality acknowledges the cultural, social, and individual differences in moral beliefs and values. Striking the right balance between these two moral frameworks is essential to ensure AI systems respect diverse perspectives while upholding the greater good.

The Path to Balance:

Creating a balanced AI system requires a multifaceted approach.

  1. Embracing collaboration: Engaging ethicists, sociologists, psychologists, and other experts from diverse backgrounds ensures a comprehensive understanding of moral perspectives, helping AI systems to respect both universal principles and individual beliefs.
  2. Adapting to context: A context-aware AI system can cater to different cultural, social, and individual contexts, enabling a balance between universal moral principles and moral relativism.
  3. Pursuing transparency: By making AI decision-making processes transparent and understandable, users can assess the moral considerations behind AI actions, fostering trust in the technology.
  4. Offering customizability: Empowering users to customize AI systems to align with their own moral beliefs and values allows for individuality within the framework of universally accepted moral principles.
  5. Striving for continuous improvement: Regular evaluation and updates to the moral frameworks embedded in AI systems ensure that the balance between objective and relative morality remains appropriate.
  6. Engaging in public discourse: Open dialogues with the public and stakeholders about the moral considerations in AI systems provide opportunities for diverse perspectives to be considered.

One proposed system for online social communities and data sets in a virtual or real world would be to separate each group into distinct data lakes. Each data lake corresponds to a specific community or subculture, containing all the relevant data, interactions, and content related to that community. Artificial intelligence (AI) is then employed to process these data lakes and generate context management and filtering algorithms. This allows the seamless coexistence of various discrete groups, while also ensuring that the value they provide to humanity can be harnessed and combined. More on management of these respective groups in another post.

Let’s have an example:

Two priests walk into a bar:

In order to foster a satanic subculture from a Christian subculture while allowing both to flourish in an unrestricted manner in a virtual world, the following steps could be taken:

  1. Data collection and separation: Data related to the Christian and satanic subcultures would be gathered and stored in separate data lakes. This could include text, images, videos, audio, and any other form of content or interaction relevant to these subcultures.
  2. AI-driven context management: The AI system would analyze the data within each data lake to understand the context, norms, values, and preferences of each subculture. This would allow the AI to develop algorithms that can manage content and interactions in a way that is appropriate for each group.
  3. Content filtering: The AI system would implement filtering algorithms based on the context management analysis. These filters would ensure that content from one subculture is not inadvertently shown to members of the other, unless they express interest in exploring content from different communities.
  4. Cross-subculture connections: The AI system could identify areas of potential overlap, common ground, or interest between the Christian and satanic subcultures. This information could be used to create opportunities for dialogue, collaboration, or other forms of interaction between the two groups, but only for members who are open to such experiences.
  5. Customizable user experience: Users would be given control over their level of exposure to different subcultures. They could adjust their preferences to view content and interact with other members from either subculture, or maintain their focus solely within their chosen community.
  6. Ongoing learning and adaptation: The AI system would continuously learn from user behavior, preferences, and feedback, refining its context management and filtering algorithms over time. This would ensure that the system remains adaptive and responsive to the evolving needs and preferences of its users.
  7. Cross-community passports: Cross-community policing measures can be developed to maintain a healthy and harmonious environment within the virtual world. Virtual community passports, along with other strategies, can help regulate interactions between communities and prevent potential conflicts.

By implementing such a system, multiple discrete groups can coexist within the same virtual or real environment, each thriving without restrictions, while also allowing for the possibility of interaction and collaboration when desired.

While this may seem counterintuitive and tribal, it would allow for an infinite set of social structures to exist without compromise on the community. Being used in such a manner might not be comfortable at first. A subgroup or culture being used as a filter to keep others out might seem to be exploitation, but ultimately it contributes to the overall value and richness of the human experience while allowing for much needed autonomy.


The story of Damocles reminds us that great power comes with great responsibility. As we harness the power of AI across all our realities, we must remain vigilant and strive to strike the delicate balance between objective and relative morality. By embracing collaboration, context-awareness, transparency, customizability, continuous improvement, and public discourse, we can create AI systems that respect both universal principles and the diverse beliefs of individuals and communities. Like Damocles, we must learn to live with the sword above our heads, using our power wisely and responsibly.

