Lessons from AI: A Journey into the Future of Knowledge and Creativity

4 min readMay 11, 2023


Created in collaboration with Midjourny and ChatGPT

Over the years, I’ve delved deeply into the world of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). I have been its most vocal critic since college. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are two terms in computer science that are related but denote novel concepts that the marketplace has confused the minds of many.

AI refers to machines or software that exhibit capabilities that mimic or replicate certain aspects of human intelligence. This can include tasks like recognizing speech, learning, planning, problem-solving, and more. However, most AI systems today, often referred to as Narrow AI or Weak AI, complete a specific task and don’t possess the ability to understand or learn beyond that task. They certainly do not have the spark of creation and remain inert until activated.

AGI also known as Strong AI, refers to a type of artificial intelligence that has the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level equal to or beyond that of a human being. It implies a machine with the ability to transfer knowledge from one domain to a completely different domain, displaying a level of autonomy and capability comparable to human cognition. No such system exists today.

To understand where we are today, I have spent substantial time with at least six different AI systems, including Midjourney, ChatGPT, Google, and other API driven systems. I have marked this journey by creating over 12,000 image jobs, writing of over 180,000 words, and editing innumerable documents, such as the one you're reading right now. Throughout this expedition, I’ve gathered several insights into how AI is reshaping our understanding of knowledge, creativity, and our roles in this new era.

First, AI has the potential to “flatten the curve” of human knowledge. As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, it exposes our consumerist tendencies and our general lack of critical thinking. We are, as a society, often more inclined to consume information and products than to create them. Trust them when we should not. Expect them to produce results that we have no ability to verify, and repeat mistakes at scale. Proof of work from these black boxes is lacking, to say the very least.

We mirror this understanding in the way we engage with AI systems, which are mainly used to digest and process information rather than produce novel ideas. You can see this play out by browsing images and content created across various tools and the users of them.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” ~Arthur C. Clarke

However, the growing trend towards AI consumption does not mean an overall decline in human creativity. Despite the apparent rise in mediocrity, high achievers continue to diversify and enrich the AI ecosystem. With each recursive learning cycle, AI slowly attenuates the law of large numbers, highlighting the true power of AI. While many will flatten the curve, it will allow many more to see the opportunity to switch sides. We can increase the upside of this phenomenon as systems improve highlighting awareness and inspiration for all participants in our grand experiment.

The emergence of AI has created a new economy, one where the currency is not only money but also skills, knowledge, and experience. Those privileged few who possess these resources have a crucial role to play: we must become teachers, mentors, guides, and sherpas to the masses. As we venture forward into this brave new world, it’s imperative that we do so with compassion and a commitment to help others bridge the gap between the virtual and the real worlds.

The journey into the AI era is not without its challenges. One of these is the risk of becoming trapped in a “prison of mirrors” — a state of realization without recourse.

However, escape from this predicament is as simple as asking for help. By fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual assistance, we can ensure that this revolution in technology and knowledge benefits all, rather than a privileged few.

AI has much to teach us, but perhaps the most important lesson is that we all have a role to play in shaping this new era. Whether as consumers or creators, teachers or learners, we all have something to contribute to the AI journey. Let’s embrace this opportunity with open minds and open hearts. And maybe open-source systems that democratize the state of our communal digital twin, (AI), will awaken the true value of human contribution.

